This journey will be amazing!

I am learning how to create a domain and manage a website. Exciting!!! Yes, I can do this!

Getting to Know Me
My name is Joanne Carter.  I am an adult learner, working full-time, and attending classes part-time.  I am studying Nonprofit Communications, which is a developed concentration for a Bachelor of Individualized Studies degree. I enjoy helping people, and know that nonprofits were established for this purpose. Before this class, my online presence included LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  I am hoping to gain adequate knowledge and skills from this class to understand how to manage an online domain.  I also have familiarity with digital technology, such as laptops, IPhones, and other online platforms.   

When I googled myself, the search returned several people with names like mine,  my Facebook and Linkedin profiles, along with images of me from George Mason activities I’ve participated in on campus.  Microsoft Edge, Bing search, returned several people with names like mine, my Facebook profile.  The google search appears to be much more comprehensive in nature. 

The reading reiterates the importance of being cognizant of what information is shared online and how you interact with others.  Not only are your friends viewing your social media, potential employers, colleagues, and professors may have access as well.  I try to be cognizant of  the content and attitude expressed when using  online platforms. 

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